He's The Energy Man (english) ::: The World of The Lord (주님의 세상) - 나정신 체칠리아의 두번째 앨범

by ㉺노™ posted Sep 11, 2008


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He's the energy man, He's the son of the sun

It's He who can warm your heart

He's the energy man, He's got the power

To give us a brand new start


in the morning when I wake up and see the golden sun

feel the warm rays touch my body and I know the day's begun

energy rises through me slowly till it penetrates my mind

I can handle every problem known to all mankind



call him up when you need the charge

when your batteries running low

the energy man can fire you up and make your spirit flow

directs current to your positive side and eliminates any woe

he'll turn on your love light and give your heart a glow


글,곡 Ernest Henry Dailey Jr. / 편곡 김규하

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