2009.02.13 11:49

I Am The Day --Libera

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I am the light before the morning
I am the nignt, that will be dawn
I am the end and the beginning

I am the alpha and omega
The night and day, the first and last

Luminosa, immortalis Sancta gloriosa
Luminosa, immortalis Sancta gloriosa

In aeterna
I am the life, soon to begin
I am the new hope in the morning
I am the darkness, soon to be light
I am the rising and the falling

I am the alpha and omega
The night and day, the first and last

Luminosa, immortalis Sancta gloriosa
Luminosa, immortalis Sancta gloriosa

I am the alpha and omega
The night and day, the first and last

Luminosa, immortalis Sancta gloriosa
Luminosa, immortalis Sancta gloriosa -

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